As you all have probably noticed, I have been away for a while from writing.

I was given an amazing gift/responsibility of picking up my 8 year old niece, from her first “away” camp for 3 weeks.

My brother and his wife were going to pull her out of camp early so they could get her, but the counselors at the camp did not recommend it, therefore they were unavailable due to a business trip, and asked me.   Well of course I said I would.  I love my family and would do anything for them, so this was my itinerary:

Friday – fly to Cincinnati, stay overnight

Saturday – fly to Chicago, IL transfer planes to Scranton, PA ~ Arrive in PA, rent a car, and drive 2 hours to a small town just south of Honesdale, PA (where the camp is located) to Hawley, PA. ~ Check into an old Inn, stay overnight

Sunday – drive 30 minutes to the camp, pick up niece ~ drive back to airport in Scranton, turn in car and catch flight to Newark, NJ ~ Upon landing, found out second leg of trip/flight is canceled. ~ was signed up for a standby flight, 4 hours later, which we did not get ~ booked on a 8pm flight to Cincinnati “finally.”

Monday – Initial consult/organizing appointment with a friend of my sister-n-law’s in Cincinnati ~ Made it to my brother’s just in time for my niece’s “Welcome Home” party:) ~ stayed overnight at mom’s

Tuesday ~ Spend the 1st half of the day with family ~ caught flight back home to make a 7am appointment with one of my regular clients.

Glad to be back, and writing again!

Hope your summer has been fantastic ~