
I trust everyone has been well since the last blog post. If this is not the case, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

As part of my marketing ventures, I try to be aware of all going on around me with friends, etc. through Facebook and Twitter. I had been aware of one of my friends getting married on May 14th. I am very happy for her!

I commented on one of her photos, showing her invitations (which are beautiful by the way) and wrote a little comment underneath; “Hey, I love the cards! If you need any help organizing, errand running, etc. You know who to call!” I did not realize that in a matter of seconds she would respond with “YES! I need you! Why didn’t I call you sooner?”

I am officially hired and meeting with her on Thursday. She will bring all of the contact information for her vendors, and the plan for the day. I will be coordinating, facilitating her special day. What an honor! I will fill you in on the results after the 14th.

I have organized/facilitated an “after” funeral reception for a client, as well as birthdays, etc. for anyone interested in my assistance.

Happy Serving!