Have you ever felt so productive while doing something? Feels good doesn’t it?
What happens when you begin doing something else, and you just can’t seem to get it right?
Does this last task negate the first one?
Do you loose your momentum to push thru, with hopes of regaining that “I got this” mentality?
I recently listened to a story from a sixth grade teacher, who was having the kids begin his class with an obstacle course. One of the boys said “I LOVE obstacle courses! This is going to be fun, just watch me coach, I’m going to be zooming thru it!” Coach Matt said he in fact was excellent at the course, way ahead of all the other kids, until it came time for the part where he had to roll dice to get a specific number before he could continue on. He rolled for an entire minute but was not successful at acquiring the needed number. He ended the course in last place.
Sounds like a very sad ending right? Nope…this little boy said “That was so hard! I can’t believe I couldn’t get that number……but I still zoomed thru the rest of it coach!”
He became such an inspiration to the rest of the class and to coach Matt, that a huge poster was made that commemorated that very moment.
Can you confidently say you would do the same as this little boy? I don’t know if I could, but he gives me hope there is always a choice available, and that is enough for me.
God loves you so very much and if you follow Him, call Him Savior, He will celebrate all the little victories, even if all you could do was get out of bed. He will carry you thru the rest. Did you zoom yesterday?Celebrate that!
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