It is a common household challenge, and that is commonly called: The mail!
Unfortunately some kitchens do not include a desk/filing area, however that does not stop the need to have some alternative since we all get mail! I do not know anyone who enjoys looking at the pile of mail on their kitchen counter, but what do you do with it?
During my first months in the business, I noticed the immediate need to assist in this area, but also knew my clients did not want the look of the metal or plastic filer either.
Target sells a metal countertop filer in their office section, in two different sizes. One size will hold about 4 hanging folders, and one that will hold 8 to 10. Once the size is determined, proceed to the weaved basket area. There you will find rectangle ones for the smaller filer, and square ones that the large metal filer will fit in very nicely. Now not only do you have function, you also have design and warmth on your kitchen countertop!
This is a very quick and easy way to sort your mail so it does not continue to sit on your counter.
The second tip for sorting mail; Keep a nice rattan/leather floor container near your sorting area so you can separate the mail from your magazines, and newspaper. Removing the larger items into the floor container, right away, will make your mail look much more manageable too!
Happy Organizing!
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