Are there things in your life you wish would last a lifetime?

Is it hard to imagine existing for any amount of time without them?

How quickly are we ready to release those uncomfortable times we experience?

Have you ever used the phrase “This too shall pass.”?

Do you apply it mainly to those difficult circumstances but try not to think about it when it comes to the priceless ones?

Last night was the final small group gathering in my home for the semester. I can’t believe it has already been 11 weeks since my co-lead and myself led our very first meeting, ever to be exact. I have to admit I was nervous, and I wondered if I really heard from The Holy Spirit about starting the group to begin with. I thought “Ok, here we go! Lord help me.” It was also the first time I’ve committed my home as the meeting place every week. Some of you are aware how I feel about my “peaceful haven” called home, and rarely have guests over. As an introverted personality type, once I am done with being out in the world, doing what I love with amazing clients, I am ready to be home and unwind. I would assume most of you feel this way, however I can easily take it to a greater level. It is a miracle from God Himself that I welcomed a roommate in my home 11 months ago after living alone for over 30 years, I digress.

The very thing I dreaded 11 weeks ago is the very thing I mourned last night. “This too shall pass” came to mind as I was recalling each lovely new friend I made. It was a bittersweet moment as I realized I would not have them knocking on my door every Thursday evening. Precious moment, like difficult ones, do not ever come to stay, they all come to pass. Our lives are always moving, it reminds me of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1~ To everything there is a season….

I highly recommend taking a moment to read it, and then reading it again.

There are things to learn, and adventures to take, all of them require constant adaptability to move through and not grab hold, for they are not ours to own. Each one is a priceless gift from God, given to us at just the right moment in time.

We can graciously receive them and trust He knows exactly what He’s doing, or we can reject them, fighting every step of the way, because we are fearful of what the future holds as a result.

I remind myself often; As long as I belong to the One who is in control and knows all, I don’t have to. Sure, I think would like to, but would I really? There is a reason we are not shown all God knows, we would not be able to handle it, what a Mighty, and loving God we serve!

Give Him control of your life friends, He is the only one capable.

Thank you Lord for all my blessings, and your words today.

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