I was honored to be able to attend and hear a well respected man speak today. Lee Cockerell, Former Sr. Exec Vice President of Operations of Walt Disney World. This man did NOT have a college education yet had thousands of people reporting to him, and speaks all over the world, because he knows what it really takes to be a “Leader” ~
some of the highlights;
“The only way to show people they matter is to tell them, often.”
“Don’t ever get bored with the basics; Please, and Thank you.”
“You never know who is listening and watching, always be the example. You can change someone’s opinion about you, and them, in an instant.”
“Be careful what you say and do at all times, integrity is so important if you have goals you are striving for, and hopefully you do.
“Remember everyone is important!”
“Go through the heart to get to the brain. People respond and listen if you care about them, and show it.”
“Question your habits at all times. They might be putting you on a path that is not in line with your future goals.”
This was an AMAZING speech. People pay hundreds of dollars to hear this man speak, and we were given this gift today at my church; a volunteer appreciation day…..for all who serve.
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