What do you say to yourself every day?
Are you believing everything your mind thinks up?
Are you acting upon those beliefs?
Have you challenged those thoughts with the word of God?
What does He say?
Since I made the decision to terminate my TV programming, I now have to become more intentional on what I choose to watch. I still have my Internet connection, YouTube, as well as all the popular movie channel subscriptions, and I find it so eye-opening that now that I am searching for something, it is mostly Christian based which leaves me feeling so calm and relaxed. With that being said, I have been watching pastor Craig Groeschel on YouTube, and this morning he was speaking about, intentionally choosing what you say to yourself. I have my own daily affirmations that I will share with you, ones that have begin to change how I look toward the day:
I am blessed, I am a blessing and I will be a blessing today.
God is so good all the time!
Something good is going to happen to me today, and something good is going to happen through me today!
My name is mentioned in rooms my feet haven’t even entered yet. God is going to do something absolutely amazing in my life, so I am going to keep moving forward because blessings are coming my way.
I am an excellent communicator.
I am in the best shape of my life.
I am a sought after interior designer.
I am debt-free!
These are only a few of the many I speak out loud every morning, but now that I have watched His episode on intentionality I have added several more:
I am devoted.
I am faithful.
I am consistent.
I am generous.
I am ready.
I am a finisher!
Did you know if you simply surrender your day to Him and commit your own daily affirmations, with all sincerity, God is faithful to orchestrate and direct your steps.
I highly recommend this and please feel free to take from my list, but adding those challenges in your own life and speaking as if they are taken care of, because with God they are, will heal your mind and soul.
Thank you, Lord for your word that we may rely on at any time, and for these words today.
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